лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл USING THE SHAREWARE MAILING LIST DATABASE лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Please read this ENTIRE file prior to using the database mailing list file, DATABASE.EXE. This tutorial will provide basic information and some clever tips you may find useful. The database file supplied with this package (DATABASE.EXE) is updated FREQUENTLY by the author. Register to receive the LATEST disk prior to beginning your mailing campaign. Shareware distributors, computer clubs and BBS systems change addresses and phone numbers rapidly! You can thus avoid a large number of returned envelopes and out of date information! On average, I find more than 130 entries added/changed every few weeks! Many clubs and distributors call me or send postcards with updates as they move or change telephone numbers. Several software authors who initially decided to use an old copy of this package without first registering and receiving an update disk have told me they wasted more postage expense on old addresses than the low initial registration cost of this package. Please support the shareware concept! The database mailing list is supplied in a self-extracting file. The file supplied, DATABASE.EXE, will unpack to produce a dBase III format file. The file is large and is best unpacked onto a hard drive. To unpack the file, once you have safely copied it onto your hard drive into the same subdirectory or area as your database, simply execute the command: C>DATABASE produces dBase format file: DATABASE.DBF A companion file, DATABAS2.EXE, is a self-extracting file of UNDELIVERABLE AND INACTIVE ADDRESSES. Useful for maintaining custom mailing lists and deleting inactive addresses. This list is compiled from lists of business closures and returned mail from postal authorities. Unpack this list with the command: C>DATABAS2 produces the dBase format file: DATABAS2.DBF For those wishing the mailing list information in other formats such as ASCII or other groupings (e.g., separate lists of clubs, vendors, etc. OR smaller database listings suitable for floppy based systems,) please refer to the custom database preparation and price list at the end of this section. The file has "live data" already inserted and ready for you to import into your database. The data consists of lists of computer clubs which maintain shareware libraries, commercial shareware distributors and BBS systems. The list of organizations within the database is the "target audience" for your software mailing or BBS upload campaign. The primary database is retained in Borland's Reflex V2.0 (tm) which can export to MANY popular formats as well as dBase III. You should have a database product to use this data. This package contains a dBase III file which can be loaded into products such as dBase, PC-File, Wampum, Rbase, Reflex and other popular database packages which accept or translate and import a dBase III file. A hard drive is suggested, but the author can supply the file in smaller portions suitable for floppy drive systems. If you do not use or understand database software, I can make available small, simple packages which allow you to use the data with Wordperfect (tm), or popup the data for editing and printing (see file GOODIES.TXT on this disk.) Alternatively I can print labels for you or prepare a simple ASCII file (see file REGISTER.TXT on this disk.) Write the author of this package if you need an unusual format or prefer an ASCII text file version which can also be imported into many database products. For those not having a hard drive, a special "multi- part" database file is available which can be used with floppy systems. Also see the special note regarding a bug or problem within PC- File when using the SMS database! This special information is contained at the end of this file! The shareware database program PC-FILE (tm) offers a mailing label generator and may be attractive if you have not as yet selected a database package. The label generator within PC-FILE is a separate file (PCLABEL.EXE), use the command C>PCLABEL . The label generator is discussed in detail within the PC-FILE main program documentation. File Express, another excellent shareware database system, is also a good choice. Next, let's look at an example record within the database: лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл DATABASE RECORD EXAMPLE лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл TYPE: D,K RATING: A DATE REVISED: 9/11/90 ------------------------------------------------------------ COMPANY: PC-SIG FIRSTNAME: RICHARD LASTNAME: PETERSEN ADDRESS: 1030D EAST DUANE AVENUE CITY: SUNNYVALE STATE: CA ZIP: 94086 POSITION: PRESIDENT ------------------------------------------------------------ DAY TEL: BBS TEL: FAX TEL: TOLLFREE ORDER TEL: 800/245-6717 ------------------------------------------------------------ REMARKS1: One of the largest vendors. REMARKS2: Top quality catalog, library on CD ROM. ------------------------------------------------------------ PRINT?: LABELTOP: AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES AFFILIATION: ASP лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл A few field names deserve special examination. The TYPE field is a simple entry code: D=DISK DISTRIBUTOR, F=FOREIGN DISTRIBUTOR OR CLUB, C=COMPUTER CLUB, B=BBS SYSTEM, M=MAGAZINE OR NEWSPAPER WRITER, E=EXECUTIVE CORPORATE SOFTWARE USER, K=KEY CONTACT, SUPPLIER, VENDOR OR AGENT. Note that the type field can have compound entries. Example: K,D,B would mean a key contact who is both a distributor of disks and also maintains a BBS. RATING field: A = PREFERRED status. B = COMMENDABLE status. C = PENDING FURTHER RESEARCH or AVERAGE status. The PRINT? field can be used by yourself to mark selected entries prior to printing. The DATE REVISED field is the date the record was last updated or created. лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Next follows the layout template of the database file containing field widths, field names, types and order. This may change with time. Field Type Width ----------- ---------- ----------- COMPANY Text 44 ADDRESS Text 58 CITY Text 30 STATE Text 39 ZIP Text 12 DATE REVISE Date 10 TYPE Text 6 RATING Text 2 LABELTOP Text 40 FIRSTNAME Text 20 LASTNAME Text 24 POSITION Text 30 DAY TEL Text 31 BBS TEL Text 18 FAX TEL Text 21 TOLLFREE OR Text 13 AFFILIATION Text 13 PRINT? Text 1 REMARKS1 Text 80 REMARKS2 Text 80 COUNTRY Text 17 CIS ID Text 11 (end of template/layout) My favorite use of the data fields for mailing label production is to use the LABELTOP as the first line, COMPANY as the second line, ADDRESS as the third, and finally CITY, STATE and ZIP on the final line(s). Add the FIRSTNAME and LASTNAME to the LABELTOP field if you have a name in the name(s) field. Next, a sample printout of a portion of the database file in final mailing label format which might give you an idea of the "live data" inside the database as well as consideration of the final mailing label format: AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES COMPUTER HUT 1825-F1 TAMIAMI TR. PORT CHARLOTTE FL 33948 SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION FOG POB 3474 DALY CITY CA 94015 SHAREWARE LIBRARY SUBMISSION CAPITOL PC USERS GROUP 4520 EAST-WEST HWY, STE 550 BETHESDA MD 20814 AUTHOR SUBMISSIONS & UPDATES PC ARCADE 276 MOREHOUSE RD. EASTON CT 06612 лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл MARKETING AND TARGETED USE OF THE DATABASE лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Just as there are many different types of shareware packages and authors, there are many ways of using the database mailing list. Prior to printing mailing labels you might wish to sort the database by type or by rating to examine the data for interesting trends. Some authors may prefer to sort the database by RATING and mail exclusively to the "A" rated vendors or BOTH the "A" and "B" rated vendors. This can be EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE. You could mail to only "A" rated distributors but not computer clubs to save postage. You might also wish to sort by the type code which will allow you to separate out certain classes of vendors for consideration. This is very useful to allow you to mail your software to only computer clubs or distributors, if you wish. Other shareware authors may wish to mail only to vendors within their state or possibly only computer clubs. If you are on a tight budget, I might suggest mailing to only the ASP disk vendors (sort or search on the affiliation field in the database.) This will narrow your mailing down to some the the largest, if not most reputable vendors. Other unusual mailings might involve sorting mailing labels by zip code or by state. Yet another way to use the database is to import the list and then ADD additional custom fields yourself to track response time by the distributor, date you mailed your shareware, name of key contact person or even a tracking field to show you which distributor has higher registration response for your package judging by registrations from that state, city or county. Some shareware authors may wish to add field(s) describing particular distributor specialization (e.g., bible shareware, graphics images or application packages.) I have carefully added a field showing the date the database entry was revised or listed in the database, so if you wish to examine or append the latest updates to the list, sort on the date field and you will locate the latest revisions which need to be added to your list. Most database products will let you append a similar file to an existing file. Thus you may add newer entries to your list or start over with the newer, revised list from my quarterly update. If an entry has a new phone number, rating or other update, the date field will be changed in my master listing so you can always spot changes by sorting on the date field! A common question I receive from SMS users is how to determine which addresses have changed since the previous edition of SMS. This applies to either the list of good addresses (DATABASE.EXE) or list of undeliverable addresses DATABAS2.EXE). Here is how to merge a later update of the SMS mailing list, with older SMS mailing lists. 1) Backup both lists onto spare diskettes for security 2) Sort OLD list on the date revised field 3) note on a piece of paper the LATEST date of revision within the old list (e.g., June 5, 1990) 4) Load and sort the NEW list on date of revision 5) within the NEW list, delete or filter out all records which are PRIOR to the target date which you wrote on the sheet of paper (e.g., June 5, 1990). 6) You now have a subset of the NEW list which represents updates which you can study or 7) merge with the old list and then 8) delete duplicate records brought about by the merge. By the way, be sure you do not accidentally merge a good mailing list (DATABASE.EXE) with a bad list (DATABAS2.EXE). As a cost saving note, consider printing your mailing labels on ordinary paper, two or three labels wide, cutting them out with a paper cutter and attaching them to your disk mailers with a glue stick. For small mailings, this isn't terribly tedious and will save you money compared to purchasing gummed labels. лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл ABOUT THE DATABASE RATING SYSTEM лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл The rating system for each entry in the database listing is very simple to sort, use and understand in maintaining your direct mail campaign. Each entry receives a rating of A, B or C. A rating of A is PREFERRED status. A rating of B is COMMENDABLE status. A rating of C is ACCEPTABLE status or PENDING FURTHER RESEARCH. Affiliation with a professional group if noted means membership in the ASP (Association of Shareware Professionals (tm) or other trade group as noted. Ratings of shareware distributors are based on a variety of factors in approximately the following priority (highest to lowest): evidence of registration volume, evidence of customer volume, volume of direct mail and national magazine advertising, quality and size of catalog, degree of feedback and support to AUTHORS, years in business, professional trade affiliations, telephone support, multiple offices/sales locations, BBS support, promptness of shipments, refund policy, reporting of sales volumes to authors and other criteria. I also consider requests by vendors for extreme discounts on registered packages and overt requests for advertising revenues or other solicitations of money or exclusive distribution rights from authors by a vendor as negative factors. In general a high rating may indicate a high volume of customers and thus a more attractive distributor to whom a shareware author might wish to submit software. The rating does not in any way provide an endorsement and as such is is offered only as a SUGGESTION. The purpose of this software package is to serve shareware authors as a primary concern. If a rating does not seem appropriate, contact SMS. лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл INVITATION TO DISTRIBUTORS AND COMPUTER CLUBS лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл A listing in the main database should ensure you will receive frequent mailings and updates of shareware - a good thing in our relatively young industry. Please submit update information if you move, change telephone numbers or cease business. Unlisted distributors and clubs are encouraged to submit a catalog or newsletter and detailed letter ON DISK (ASCII format) explaining helpful evaluation factors if they wish to be added to or revised in the database. The reason I would like the detailed letter on disk is that I may insert those comments directly into the remarks field of the database if I determine this is helpful to shareware authors. лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл CUSTOM SERVICES лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Most folks who use a database should be able to convert the SMS dBase file to other formats, export the file, search for certain record types, print into paper labels ready to use, etc. However some folks need a little extra service and would like the main mailing list file in a different format. Prices for these conversion services follow. Shipping included. Washington residents add 8.2% sales tax. Prices assume 5 1/4 diskettes. Other size diskettes available. You MUST first be a registered user or subscriber to the main SMS program and have paid a registration or subscription fee to be eligible for these services. Also consider some of the simple database products listed in the SMS file GOODIES.TXT if you want to use the mailing list and would like to try software products which will let you sort, search and print mailing labels from the SMS database file in the current dBase III format. Price list follows: SMS conversion: change SMS mailing list DBF format to ASCII file or other format such as Paradox, Lotus, Reflex, etc. $20 Selective export: Provide customer a file containing ONLY certain criteria (e.g., just the clubs or just the distributors who are A and B rating). ASCII or DBF format. $30 Split file by type: Customer needs a file of just clubs, another file of just distributors, etc. Final format ASCII or DBF. $30 Split file for floppy systems: for easy use by computer which does NOT have a hard drive. Final format DBF or ASCII $30 лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл PC-FILE BUG REPORT! лллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллллл Lately I have received a few comments about an apparent incompatibility of the SMS dBase format mailing list with PC- File 5.01 from Buttonware. Sure enough, when you load in the SMS mailing list, an automatically created "header file" or HDB file is incorrectly generated due to some unknown bug in PC-File. On the screen several fields of information are "overwritten" by other fields. The data is there, it just will not display properly. The SMS dBase file imports to most other packages fine, but PC- File requires an HDB file to layout the screen and a few other functions. The records are intact, because if you switch to list/browsing view you can see all of the company names, addresses and so forth. You can either try the simple repair outlined below or contact SMS for a correct copy of the HDB file (available to registered SMS registrants and subscribers.) I can't fix the bug in PC-File, but I can provide a correct header and the following instruction so that problems disappear. Here is how to fix the the problem with PC-File when importing the SMS database. Load the SMS file DATABASE.DBF into PC-File DB. The program will ask for an index field so it can generate an alphabetically sorted NDX file - most users decide to select the SMS field "Company." The program will proceed to generate an NDX file and an INCORRECT header HDB file usually called DATABASE.HDB. This process is called "adopting" by PC-File. Now, load the incorrect DATABASE.HDB file into any ASCII text editor or word processor in PURE ASCII MODE and notice the lines at the BOTTOM of the HDB file which I have marked as errors due to a bug in PC-File. The error lines represent the row and column location for display of the Remarks1 and Remarks2 fields. NREMARKS1 TC L80 IN R3 ---- error! C53 ---- error! V65 NREMARKS2 TC L80 IN R4 ---- error! C53 ---- error! V65 Zend Next the repair operation: Using your ASCII text editor, change the lines to the correct display location using my notes below which adjust the row and column display values of the HDB file. When you are finished, save the corrected HDB file, remove the bad one (if it remains) and restart PC-File and load in the SMS database mailing list. The corrected HDB file will provide proper screen display information! NREMARKS1 TC L80 IN R21 ----- New, correct value C14 ----- New, correct value V65 NREMARKS2 TC L80 IN R22 ----- New, correct value C14 ----- New, correct value V65 Zend If you are curious about more information concerning how the HDB file is used and other adjustments you can make, use the special program contained with PC-File called DPRPT.EXE which generates a report and provides clues about HDB file layout. Here is a typical DPRPT report display which shows you how the HDB file is used by the SMS database and PC-File. You can easily determine the values of the HDB file. PC-FILE DATABASE DESCRIPTION Printed Wed Jan 08 08:38:30 1992 Database: C:\TEMP\DATABASE Description: Adopted dBASE file Next UNIQUE number will be: 1 FIELD NAME TYPE LENGTH DEC INDEX ROW COLUMN WINDOW ---------- ---- ------ --- ----- --- ------ ------ 1. COMPANY C 41 A 3 14 2. ADDRESS C 50 4 14 3. CITY C 30 5 14 4. STATE C 30 6 14 5. ZIP C 12 7 14 6. DATE_REVIS D 8 8 14 Mask :09// : 7. TYPE C 1 9 14 8. RATING C 2 10 14 9. LABELTOP C 40 11 14 10. FIRSTNAME C 20 12 14 11. LASTNAME C 20 13 14 12. POSITION C 30 14 14 13. DAY_TEL C 28 15 14 14. BBS_TEL C 19 16 14 15. FAX_TEL C 15 17 14 16. TOLLFREE_O C 13 18 14 17. AFFILIATIO C 13 19 14 18. PRINT_ C 1 20 14 19. REMARKS1 C 80 3 53 65 20. REMARKS2 C 80 4 53 65